• Philippe Gerum's avatar
    evl/thread: clarify naming, complete kthread-specific interface · 5d0d91c3
    Philippe Gerum authored
    By convention, all thread-related calls which implicitly affect
    current and therefore do not take any @thread parameter should use a
    short-form name, such as evl_delay(), evl_sleep(). For this reason,
    the following renames took place:
    - evl_set_thread_period -> evl_set_period
    - evl_wait_thread_period -> evl_wait_period
    - evl_delay_thread -> evl_delay
    In addition, complete the set of kthread-specific calls which are
    based on the inner thread interface (this one working for user and
    kernel threads indifferently):
    - evl_kthread_unblock
    - evl_kthread_join
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilippe Gerum <rpm@xenomai.org>
clock.c 26.2 KB