• Philippe Gerum's avatar
    evl/crossing: add oob vs in-band synchronization barrier · 6e4a1b64
    Philippe Gerum authored
    This is a simple synchronization mechanism allowing an in-band caller
    to pass a point in the code making sure that no out-of-band operations
    which might traverse the same crossing are in flight.
    Out-of-band callers delimit the danger zone by down-ing and up-ing the
    barrier at the crossing, the in-band code should ask for passing the
    CAUTION: the caller must guarantee that evl_down_crossing() cannot be
    invoked _after_ evl_pass_crossing() is entered for a given crossing.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilippe Gerum <rpm@xenomai.org>
crossing.h 1.84 KB