• Alessandro Gatti's avatar
    tools/tinytest-codegen.py: Externalise tests list. · bea6ff82
    Alessandro Gatti authored
    Remove port-specific test directories and excluded tests from
    tinytest-codegen, and let it read said information from an external file.
    This way tinytest-codegen is not limited to always generate tests for the
    `qemu-arm` target.
    This allows having port-specific test directory and excluded tests for more
    than one QEMU bare-metal target.
    The `qemu-arm` port Makefile was modified to work with the generator
    changes and a tests profile file was added to said port.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Gatti <a.gatti@frob.it>
tinytest-codegen.py 4.56 KB