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FreeRTOS BSP for the MitiPy. Networking is provided by FreeRTOS+TCP. CLI is provided by FreeRTOS+CLI.
A layer to house "OS" software for EMAC microcontroller based boards.
Micropython driver for the AD799X family of ADCs, mostly focused on the AD7993 and AD7994.
OpenEmbedded Yocto BSP layer for ICOP products supported by EMAC Inc.
ICOP Technology is a manufacturer of industrial embedded computers and controllers, and panel PCs used in the automation of control systems.
Website: https://www.icop.com.tw/
A server utilizing protobuf messages to run designed tests and return pass/fail statistics/logs.
Poses a security risk if installed and running, allowing for unauthorized execution of arbitrary code. Use at your own risk. -
OpenEmbedded Yocto BSP layer for Advantech products supported by EMAC Inc.
Advantech: Enabling an Intelligent Planet
Website: https://www.advantech.com/en/embedded-boards-design-in-services
USB loader for u-boot at the imx processors based on boundarydevices code
WARNING this is not a full mirror, I left a old-origin in the git config.
upstream sources for gpu x86 video processing for the vivante GPU